
Since 1967, George Blake believed absolutely in the benefit of using his Profile, and promoted them in Colleges, Trade Shows and even abroad.  He knew then that the time saved by using his Building Profile would mean that they would pay for themselves in only 2 weeks work.

So what has changed in the 40 years since Blakes were introduced? Quite a lot, and then not very much either! The people are still the same although now dressed in steel toe capped safety boots, High Visibility jackets and safety helmets. The pressures upon these people to produce the work faster and to a consistent standard is the same and Blakes Building Profiles will be there to help them.

These days, ‘Blakes’ are a renowned tool aiding brickies to work quickly and accurately and common place on construction sites in the UK and across the world.

Profiles, Box sections, Clamps & more…

